NOTE: ALL REVENUE raised from ENTRY FEES will go to AWARDS!
About the Show: A Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) Open Regional Chapter Show organized by the Central Okanagan Chapter (FCA-COC). This is a juried, qualifying Chapter show with a full suite of awards.
Open to all Active and Signature members of the South Okanagan Similkameen Chapter, Central Okanagan Chapter, North Okanagan Chapter and Thompson Nicola Shuswap Chapter of the FCA.
Attention:Due to COVID 19 and the consequent closure of Peachland Art Gallery (PAG), this year’s art show will be an on-line show. All the same show rules will apply as with a regular physical FCA exhibition with the exceptions that entries do not have to be for sale and there is no size restriction.
All accepted, qualifying entries will earn a signature status point. Some non-qualifying (chapter’s choice) paintings may be accepted to fill the online gallery if numbers are down.
A minimum of $1,200.00 in prizes will be awarded, possibly more, depending on the number of entries. All accepted, qualifying entries are eligible for awards.
Artwork can be purchased directly from the on-line gallery. If your work sells from the on-line gallery, you should be prepared to deliver it within the Central Okanagan or Thompson/Nicola/ Shushwap area. If outside your region, the purchaser will pay the shipping fees.
NOTE: There is a slight chance that the Peachland Art Gallery will be reopened by June, in which case show participants with art for sale may be given the option to hang in the gallery.
Show Location: On-line gallery, FCA-COC website. (possibly Peachland Art Gallery, 5684 Beach Avenue, Peachland, BC.)
Entry Deadline: Friday, May 29th, 2020
Show Dates: June 27 to July 31
Participants: Open to all Active and Signature members of the SOC, COC, NOC and TNSC chapters of the FCA.
Category Awards: Best Abstract, Best Floral/Still Life, Best Figurative/Animal, Best Landscape/Cityscape
Additional Awards (no category): Best of Show, Award of Excellence (x3), Honourable Mention (x3), People’s Choice
Awards to be juried on-line by a panel of 3 FCA jurors. Award Certificates and cheques will be mailed.
Entry Fee: $10 per image (max. 5 entries of which 5 may be accepted). Submit entries on-line only at www.centralokanaganfca.com. Scroll down to “OASIS Art Show” and click on link to enter. Images should be approximately 2,000 pixels on the longest side.
Restrictions:Artwork cannot have been shown in OASIS or at PAG previously. Artwork that has won an FCA juried award at any other FCA show is not admissible (People’s Choice Award is not considered an FCA Award).
Commission: 30%
Visit www.centralokanaganfca.com for more information and updates. For queries email FCA-COC Show Coordinator Diana Palmer at palmerart@shaw.ca.
Submission of entry to this exhibition automatically constitutes the entrant's acceptance of the guidelines and rules outlined in this guide.