Central Okanagan FCA

Contact Us

Membership Info

Click here for membership information or contact Kit Bell (Membership Chairperson) at kitbell@shaw.ca or 250-868-3525.


Blair Dunlop President 780 934 1360 jbdunlop@telus.net
Vanessa Ali First Vice President 780-940-6284 vanessa.ali@telus.net
Jenny Wright Second Vice President  250-212-8969  wrightonart@gmail.com
Dulcie Sharpe Treasurer 250-300-0315 dulciebsharpe@gmail.com
Dianne Postman Secretary 250-707-4233 diannepostman@hotmail.com
Banu Tulumen Show Chair 778 960 5512 btulumen@gmail.com
Ann Willsie Workshops Chair 604 790-6710 annwillsie@hotmail.com
Kit Bell Membership Chair 250-868-3525 kitbell@shaw.ca
Dianne Postman Social Media Chair 250-707-4233 diannepostman@hotmail.com
Denise Reichert Past President 250 718 7886  denise.reichert@shaw.ca
Colleen J Dyson Newsletter Editor  250-878-4344 cjdyson@shaw.ca
Kit Bell Website 250-868-3525 kitbell@shaw.ca


Here is our Mailing Address:

Box 501
101 – 1865 Dilworth Drive
Kelowna, B.C.
V1Y 9T1

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To receive information about upcoming art exhibitions in the Central Okanagan area, please sign up for our newsletter.

Newsletters are distributed no more than once a month and we will not share your information with anyone - we respect your privacy.

Thank you for your interest in original Canadian and your support of the arts.

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